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Online donations will receive an automatic acknowledgement letter that can be used for tax purposes.

Send a check

Maine Needs
PO BOX 4174
Portland, ME 04101

Donors contributing via check will receive a tax receipt in the mail.

EIN 84-4746926

Order essentials

We keep a wish list updated weekly to reflect the most high demand items throughout the community. Support us from home by ordering & shipping directly to us at:

Maine Needs
2385 Congress street Portland ME 04102

Helping real people meet real needs.

If we’ve learned anything in the last four years it’s that impact is only made when we all contribute what we can, when we can. Your donation means more than a dollar amount. It means warmth, safety and peace of mind for people all throughout the state.

  • "I have utilized Maine Needs for 20 individuals in the Lewiston area, some are unhoused, some are low income, Maine Needs has always shown up and shown out with basic need items. Truly a life saving resource for the communities of Maine!"

    Peer recovery coach

  • "Maine Needs is amazing, above and beyond! They have helped us provide warming kits to the homeless right down to kitchen items and bedding for newly housed clients!! I am so grateful for Maine Needs!! A great community partner! Thank you!"

    Mobile Outreach worker

  • "I reached out to Maine Needs due to our school being in a high poverty area and immediately received a response. Within a very short time, they were planning delivery of brand new ski pants, gloves, books, and art supplies. The winter items were so needed for many of our students! Ski pants and gloves allowed students to play in the snow. The books and art supplies couldn't have come at a better time as we had a devastating flood in our second grade classrooms that ruined many of these items. We are so thankful for the Maine Needs program and their rapid response to our needs!"

    School nurse

  • "I cannot think of words that would express the joy and relief that my clients expressed when I made the deliveries of toys, clothing and warm outerwear to them. The most moving, was a mom who literally burst into tears when the last thing I gave her was a cleaning kit. She said she had just shared with a family member that if they wanted to give her anything for Christmas, she could use cleaning supplies! It is easy to forget or take for granted the impact of not having basic supplies and having to make the decision of buying food or laundry detergent. Thank you so much for this amazing service you provide and please know that it is greatly appreciated and making a big difference in the lives of our neighbors!"

    early head start home visitor

  • I am so grateful to Maine Needs and the community who donates to them. They have provided essential clothes, shoes, and gear (along with some special loving touches likes games and stuffed animals) on numerous occasions. Today is just another example. We reached out for snow pants, winter gloves, and blankets and Maine Needs found them and packaged them nicely so we could get them into the hands of students and families. You act as a lifeline when so many other resources are running dry. Thank you for consistently going above and beyond!

    school social worker

  • Serving new Mainers, most of our clients are unemployed due to laws that prevent asylum seekers from working in their first year. Maine Needs is helping these vulnerable folks, from newborn to adults get access to winter clothes, bedding, cleaning kits, and more. Receive our gratitude.

    community health worker