is a grassroots organization powered by a growing collective of volunteers

a community focused donation center based out of Portland, striving to help Mainers meet their basic material needs.


partner with caseworkers, teachers & street outreach teams to learn the needs of Mainers. rally the community to volunteer, donate materials & funds and dig in to support others.


42% of Maine households struggle to afford the basics. we provide essentials so individuals & families can focus on fulfilling and pursuing higher needs.


special thanks to Wind Media Co. for creating and donating the above videos.

  • “Most of the families that I work with are asylum seekers who depend on our community providers for resources while awaiting their work authorizations which now can take up to a year! These families have been so grateful to programs like Maine Needs who have provided winter clothing for themselves and their children, educational toys, books and art supplies for their children, essential household cleaning & laundry supplies, the list goes on!”

    -case manager, opportunity alliance

  • “Maine Needs brings tears of gratitude to my eyes! They are making a huge impact by anticipating clients' needs and supplying beautiful clothing, toys and other items that my staff is excited to offer families. All of the donations are high quality and thoughtfully packaged and show clients they are valued. Maine Needs is an incredible blessing!”

    -WIC director, york county

  • "I can't begin to describe how many families I work with are warmer, happier, healthier, less stressed, and beyond grateful. The outpouring of kindness and generosity, especially now, has truly changed my concern in wondering where all the "good folk" went. This group has changed more than the lives we think need it most. I know my children and I are better folks for being involved with a program that provides hope for everyone. Could not be more proud of this community support."

    -children’s case manager, opportunity alliance

  • “Such a blessing to request certain things and have this amazing location and host of volunteers to work tirelessly to search and find everything on your wish list! Families have no idea what a gift this is to the community to have a place case managers can go, feel supported, and to walk away with everything a family needs to take care of their children. It’s so amazing!! Thank you doesn’t even say enough.”

    -case manager, woodford family services