Clothing Exchange
113 Church Street, Farmington
207-778-6960 or toll-free 1-888-429-6960
Donate: Donations of gently worn, washed clothing are welcome – donate freely during open hours; call first to confirm open or to seek additional donation availability.
Shopping: Tues, Weds and Thurs from 9am-3pm; Appointments are not required, but it is recommended that you call first as the space can sometimes be otherwise reserved.
Parking available; the building is located directly behind Reny’s in Farmington – 113 Church Street, which is a one-way street entering from Main Street by turning by Java Joe’s.
FREE/EXCHANGE - First-time parents and pregnant moms, no exchange is needed for the 1st free bag of clothes. Exchange required beyond first time parents and pregnant moms.
Clothing is available for children sizes newborn through 10, with some maternity items available. The clothing exchange is limited to one visit per month, per family. Semi/formal dress donations are collected throughout the year for the annual Spring Father-Daughter dance.
United Methodist Economic Ministry Thrift Shop - Salem
1458 Salem Road, Salem Twp, Salem
Donate: Donate during open hours or call to seek additional donation availability
Shopping: Tues through Sat, 9am-4pm (Sun & Mon)
Parking is available
FREE BY VOUCHER – please call for more information if in need for no-cost support
United Methodist Economic Ministry supports a number of initiatives, and can accept toiletries, cleaning supplies, diapers, linens, and seasonally appropriate, gently worn clothing and shoes in all sizes. They also have seasonal drives, including Prom Shop for semi and formal attire and accessories (accepted Feb-May), Backpacks, Sneakers and School Supplies back-to-school support (accepted June-August), Halloween Costume Shop (costumes accepted in October), and Christmas Shop (new toys, winter clothing, personal care items and holiday wrapping supplies (accepted Oct-early Dec). Please call before donating to seasonal drives to ensure they are actively seeking donations at that location.
Better Together - Franklin County (ME) is a location-specific donation coordination group. Our goal is to act as a bridge connecting those who need specific items with those looking to donate specific items. All are welcome but you must live within Franklin County, Maine. Invite local friends and family members to join and help or be helped.